
Registration for pick up

Instructions & form

Dear transporter,

In the near future we at Vos Logistics Helmond have the great honour to be at your service.
Currently we are improving our system of processing pick up requests.

To provide you with the fastest and most efficient service as possible, we would like to ask you to register your pick up request using the form below:


  • You can download this form below and fill it out.

  • Please use one form for each shipment.

  • Please submit your pick up request 24 hours before actual pick up, before 4pm.

  • If we don't receive your request in this form, we can not guarantee swift processing.

  • We try our best to honor your requested time frame, however we cannot give any guarantees.

  • We will confirm your request by mail, not by phone.


Download our Pick-up form - Vos Logistics Helmond


Additional information regarding parking at our location:

Site instruction - Vos Logistics Helmond

Streetplan - Vos Logistics Helmond


Hartelijk dank voor uw medewerking en wij heten u graag welkom bij Vos Logistics Helmond.

Met vriendelijke groeten, Team planning Vos Logistics Helmond

Vos Logistics Helmond

Haverdijk 3A 5704 RC Helmond
T: + 31 (0)492 531 315
F: +31 (0)492 531 300
E: Planninghelmond@voslogistics.com