Vos Logistics Partner of JINC.
Thursday 26th of January Bart and Indy took over the position of Frank Verhoeven for one day. With great succes they have managed the company and gave us great advise. Thanks a lot Bart and Indy! This project (the boss of tomorrow) is an event of non-profit organization JINC and Vos Logistics took part for the second time.
After this fine experience Vos Logistics Headquarters Vos Logistics will be a new Partner of JINC.
According to JINC too many young people drop out of pre-vocational/vocational secondary schools. They choose the wrong study or fail to finish their internship. These young people are often from low-income neighbourhoods and have few role models. This means that they have fewer opportunities to develop themselves—personally, socially and economically.
JINC gives young people from 8 to 16 years of age the opportunity to experience what the labour market has to offer and what skills one needs for specific jobs. JINC’s projects reach more than 40,000 students annually from the primary school level to the vocational secondary level. The goal is to enable them to make the right choice in terms of study, to reduce the likelihood of students dropping out and to offer them better prospects for work.
JINC is an association that is largely financed by the business sector. Some 1000 companies and organisations have (financially) tied up with JINC. They make their employees available as volunteers, for example as trainers or as coaches. The structural contribution provided by businesses ensures that JINC is not dependent on subsidies. As a result, they are able to operate quickly and alertly.
More Information about JINC and projects http://www.jinc.nl/english