Immer die optimale Lagerlösung für jede Art von Produkt.
Suchst du nach Lagermöglichkeiten, die eine Vielzahl von Fulfillment-Optionen für deine Produkte bieten? Wir bieten maßgeschneiderte Lösungen für alle Arten von Waren, von kleinen Produkten bis hin zu Schüttgut und Gefahrgut. Unsere europäischen Warenlager, die durch fortschrittliche IT-Systeme unterstützt werden, stehen dir jederzeit zur Verfügung. Wir tragen gerne zu deinem Erfolg bei.
Niedrige Kosten
Aktivitätsbasierte Preisgestaltung
Von der Zollabfertigung bis zur Lieferung an den Verbraucher
Nachhaltige Distributionszentren
Die höchsten BREEAM-Zertifizierungen
Unsere Dienstleistungen passend zu deinen Bedürfnissen
Strategische Präsenz
Steigende Anzahl an Standorten in ganz Europa
Komplexe Logistik-
Wir helfen Ihnen gern.

Are you looking for the right storage location?
The Vos Logistics distribution centres are situated in many strategic locations around Europe, offering a combined capacity of over 500,000 pallets and 400,000 m2 (over 4,3 million sq. ft.). Our warehouses are qualified to hold many kinds of goods. The storage facilities in Roosendaal and Goch are specially designed to store dangerous goods. The Dutch warehouse holds a BRZO environmental permit, allowing storage of large quantities of regulated substances. In several other locations, we are certified according to the ISO 22000 standard for food safety and the GMP+ standard for animal feed. Are you looking for customs storage or just a stockroom for your goods? We are here to offer you a solution.
We process goods, small or large, that can be palletised or packaged in big bags. We also handle bulk products and outsized goods. In our warehouses throughout Europe, we always have the right storage space available. And if that is not the case yet, we are open to new developments. We are keen to explore possibilities and discuss opening a new distribution centre in a new location.
Warehouse Management System
Our advanced warehousing management system is integrated with your internal IT systems, offering you real-time insight in your inventory and status of all orders. We invest continuously in digitalisation and automation of our warehouses. Striving for maximum accuracy, we scan all goods flows: inbound, outbound and internal.
Expert warehouse employees
Our warehouse employees are experienced in multi-order picking, processing mixed pallets, picking and packing orders, sampling, returns processing and transport. We have everything we need to simplify your logistics.
To ensure that your logistical operation runs smoothly and efficiently in one of our modern warehouses, we have an expert team on call, comprising project managers, logistics engineers, data analysts and EDI experts, ready to optimally design and shape your processes and implement them. An important element of the implementation is to chart which steps in your warehouse operations can be automated.