Efficient and sustainable transport throughout Europe

Quality is present at all levels and each Business Unit.
To keep our quality and safety on the highest possible standard, a Corporate Quality Team is in place for Vos Logistics. The team is supported by Local Quality officers and special Quality teams and are all responsible for: QESH+S, Quality, Environment, Safety, Health + Sustainability.
Special Quality Teams
Food & Feed Safety Team
Managed by the Corporate QESH+S Coordinator, this team has a diverse range of tasks, such as making sure risks regarding health are managed and kept on an acceptable level, reviewing audits, complaints & recalls and providing support for improvement regarding feed and food safety to name a few. Team-members are quality officers from ISO 22000 or GMP+ certified locations.
Internal Audit Team
Members of this team make sure to evaluate internal and external audits, general efficiency and follow-up during half-yearly meetings. During their gatherings, they also decide on the focus of upcoming internal audits. The internal auditors then prepare the audits according to the procedure and subsequently establish if the Business Units actually operate according to applicable standards and procedures. The internal audit is supporting continued improvement and can also be used as preparation for external audits.
Mobile Quality Team (MQT)
As part of the International Transport operations, we have our very own MQT, who provides technical assistance to drivers, conducts technical audits on equipment and processes on site, monitors current cleaning stations and reports any findings to the Quality Manager and the Purchasing Officer of the cleaning stations. Furthermore, the MQT is also required to conduct announced and unannounced audits. Members of the MQT are from The Netherlands, Poland and Romania.
Eco-safe Logistics, Incident Reporting and Analysis
In the area of eco-safe logistics, we focus on technology, operations, our premises and safety. While safety is a topic on the agenda of the monthly management team meetings, we are also aiming to create more awareness for this in our ‘Safety Alert’ mailings. We are striving to reduce incidents and create / maintain a safe working environment at all times.
In case of a near-miss or actual incident occurs anyhow, we fall back on eco-safe reporting & analysis to draw conclusions on safety related matters.
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