Efficient and sustainable transport throughout Europe

Safety is our first priority.
Our Values of Service are Safety, Customer Care, Professionalism, Sustainability and Agility. These Values represent what we stand for and provide guidance for all processes within our organization. They support communication with employees, customers and other
stakeholders. Furthermore they help us to create transparency.
1. Safety. Prevention is better than cure.
Safety is our first priority. The target is zero accidents. Our policy is based on one simple concept: prevention. We are responsible for our own health and safety and for that of others. This requires awareness of our business and the associated risks: on the road, in the warehouse, in the workshop, in the office and at our customers’ sites. Our motto is Safety First.
2. Customer Care. We go the extra mile.
We use our commitment and expertise to help our customers succeed. To excel, we stand in their shoes. We share best practices and are open to suggestions and criticism. We respond quickly and communicate pro-actively and transparently. We think in solutions to alleviate our customers’ concerns. We invest in trust.
3. Professionalism. Delivering excellence.
To be a leader in transport and logistics, we consistently assess and enhance the quality of our work. Innovation, education and service make us best in class. We stand out for our passion to perform. We look ahead to anticipate tomorrow’s demands. Our ambition is to challenge each other to commit to better results.
4. Sustainability. Responsible, clean & efficient.
We recognise our responsibility for a healthy and safe environment, today and in the future. Our eco-safe logistics and business excellence programme reduce our carbon footprint year over year and ensure a clean and efficient supply chain. We invest in sustainable relationships. We carefully recruit and retain our people and respect the interests of our stakeholders and society. We dare to care.
5. Agility. Constantly alert and anticipating promptly.
Supply and demand are changing all the time. This requires the ability to focus on moving targets and requirements while staying on track. We anticipate changing needs and expectations in a dynamic environment. By adapting and responding swiftly to demands and opportunities, we stay one step ahead: meeting today’s needs with the flexibility to address tomorrow’s challenges.
Download our Values of Service in 9 languages
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